【狼狈不堪】 【哭笑不得】
〖狼狈不堪〗: 狼狈:窘迫的样子。困顿、窘迫得不能忍受。形容非常窘迫的样子。
〖哭笑不得〗: 哭也不是,笑也不是,形容处境尴尬,不知如何是好。
tí xiào jiē fēi
【成语来源出自哪里】--唐 孟棨《本事诗 情感》:“笑啼皆不敢,方验作人难。”
(1) in order to slow down the toxicity, two hostile people had to hug each other and sleep every night, putting on countless farces.
(2) after living for decades, looking back, who is not devastated? At 18, you should wear a red shirt and a dark green T-shirt. At 23, you should drink coke with ice and strong tea with milk. At 28, you should nod your head Life is not embellished, what kind of life? Mike
(3) such a symbolic event, a kind of cultural cause of succeeding the past, is a bit ironic.
(4) his articles are confused in thought and illogical in writing. It's ridiculous that he still talks about his creative experience in public.
(5) ironically, coventon's ranking is just higher than that of the former number one talent show Oden. Oden, who played in the heat last season, ranks 480th in this list this year.